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Leveling Guide Information

This Long text guide is intended to be a simplified walkthrough of zones to travel between to level your character. There are several ways to go about doing so and everyone has their own zone travel preference. None the less there are a few key points that apply to leveling on our server due to available content and gear.

1. Please utilize the Leveling Gear and General Goods vendors for your heirloom sets, bags, food and potions, ammo, Etc.

2. Always attempt to use the flight paths between zones versus walking there. Every one of them is unlocked for all characters and saves hours of time traveling.

3. We have the portal to Dalaran in every major city to make it easy to move between the cities and switch cotenants to access the various areas listed in the guide. Now the guide may be slightly out of date but should provide a good basis to work from.

4. We also have a more focused power leveling area that can speed up the 1-60 grind for player's helping friends start on the server. After 60 questing is the fastest way to level.

Now that all that is out of the way... To the leveling!


This will be a leveling guide as I level all of my characters. I love leveling this way and I think it's the fastest way I can level my characters. There might be some faster ways, but this is my personal opinion.


=== Level 1 - 9 ===


This will be achieved by completing the quests within your starting area and moving towards your local Main City. There are ample quests and methods for finishing this lightning-fast part of your leveling. Make sure to have the full heirloom set from both the Glowing Soul and General Goods vendors!


=== Level 9 - 15 ===


For this part, we have to go to the Undead village of Brill. I always level at the undead place, it's easy, a lot of quests in one village and the quests are easy to do. Please make your way to the nearest main city and teleport to Undercity from there. When you are in Undercity, go north to Brill. When you are in Brill, accept all quests and do them all. This should make you level 15, if you are not, please accept more quests and do them. You should be around level 15, but this could be higher.


==== Important Note ====


1. Please get back to a train and train all your skills. The best way to do this is in Undercity or Brill itself.

2. Don't forget to buy your heirlooms from Dalaran if you don't have the full set already.



=== 15 - 21 ===


Option 1: This might be a trickier part because you have to walk south for a long time. Don't forget when walking to Sepulcher (The quest village in Silverpine Forest) you can do a quest a farm to the west, upon entering Silverpine Forest. You have to escort someone to another NPC. Go to The Sepulcher and do all of the quests there. This should get you to 21 if all goes as planned.


Option 2: Head to the Crossroads in the Barrens at level 15, doing about 2/3 of the available quests will easily net you level 21 and are well bundled together for the most part.

==== Important Notes ====


1. Don't forget to get your level 20 mount

2. Please get back to a train and train all your skills


=== 21 - 35 ===


When I was leveling here, I went from level 21 to level 35. Hillsbrad Foothills is a great place to level because when you get there, you can get like 10 quests. When you accept all the quests in Tarren Mill. Tarren Mill is located in the upper right (North-East) of Hillsbrad Foothills. The only quests I had some problems with was Miner Hackett. You might want to find a party for that quest if possible. Further on, all quests are doable for solo players.


Another option may be Ashenvale Forest, this area should net between 30 and 35, if in doubt finish in Hillsbrad Foothills.


==== Important Notes ====


1. Please get back to a train and train all your skills (Best: Undercity)

2. Don't forget to get the flight path from Tarren Mill



=== 35 - 40 ===


Whenever you are done in Hillsbrad Foothills (I had some quests left, but I decided to go to Arathi Highlands on level 35, because I was sick of going to Hillsbrad all the time, with those pesky human NPC's), go to Arathi Highlands. You should have quests that you have to kill some ogres. Kills some ogres outside, Enforcer ogres are inside the cave near the quest. Watch out for healing orcs.


When you have done that quests, go to Hammerfall, which is located also in the North-East of Arathi Highlands. You can do some quests here, but it includes a lot of walking. Make sure you have your level 20 mount… Once this area’s quests are complete you should be level 40.


==== Important Notes ====


1. Don't forget to get your level 40 mount

2. Please get back to a train and train all your skills (Best: Undercity)


=== 40 - 52 ===


Next, take a flight path to Gadgetzan in Tanaris. That is far south of Orgrimmar. Why? This is the best way to level from level 40. No complications with quests, for the most part, just a lot of travel to complete. Steamweedle Port is the secondary area for quests to complete hitting level 50 along with Gadgetzan.


==== Important Notes ====

1. Please get back to a train and train all your skills (Best: Orgrimmar)
2. The path to Un Guro Crater is located in the Lower Right of Tanaris.



=== 52 - 58 ===


When you are finished in Tanaris, you should have been leveled to 52 with ease. If you do all the quests, it won't be a problem at all. You should be arriving at Un Guro Crater. I advise taking the flight path to Marshalls Refuge and clearing every quest in the zone. Once this zone is complete you should have easily hit 57-60.


==== Important Notes ====

1. Please get back to a train and train all your skills (Best: Orgrimmar)


=== 58 - 64 ===


There are numerous ways of getting to the Outlands, but you can pick your own travel path if you want. What I should say is when you go to Shattrath, go to the Flight Path and head to Thrallmar. This quests in the zone along with Hellfire Ramparts instance should land you squarely around level 62-64.


==== Important Notes ====

1. Please get back to a train and train all your skills (Best: Dalaran)

2. Don't forget to learn Flying in Thrallmar.
3. There are not many quests in Thrallmar, but one sends you to the east and there you can go with a flying NPC to the south, where more quests are located. You can go to Falcon Watch and find the additional quest for our level goals.



=== 64 - 70 ===


After you are done in Hellfire Peninsula, quickly go to Terokkar forest. There are a lot of quests you can accept in Shattrath and Stonebreaker Hold. Please keep in mind that there are also other quests around located on the map. These are quite easily combined with other quests and easy to work out. This leveling part is very easy, as you can complete every quest. You can level quickly from 64 to 68 when you complete all of the quests.


From here head to Garadar in Nagrand, you'll find the Mag'har Orcs here and they are not friendly yet. Simply travel to the Laughing Skull Ruins and kill a dozen or so Ogers to raise your rep to neutral. You will access a couple of quests for levels and can compete in their fight arena in the Laughing Skull Ruins. Another route is Shadowmoon valley and its quest lines will easily get you to 70+


==== Important Notes ====

1. Please get back to a train and train all your skills (Best: Dalaran)
2. When you're done, travel to Northrend!



=== 70 -76 ===


When you are done in Terokkar Forest, you should be around level 70. When you have arrived at the Warsong Hold in the Borean Tundra, you should be able to activate some quests. They are all around the Warsong Hold. Complete them and move east to Taunka'le  Village. When you have done all the quests you can complete here, move to the upper side of the Borean Tundra. There is an orc camp called Bor'Gorok Outpost with quests and a bit more to the west there are Murlocks giving quests. Once the zone is complete you should have leveled to 73.

From here head to Agmar's Hammer in Dragonblight and complete the quests in the Zone until you level to 76.


==== Important Notes ====

1. Please get back to a train and train all your skills (Best: Dalaran)
2. When done, head over to Dragonblight.


=== 76 - 80 ===


As for this part, I will be merging two parts into one part, leveling from 76 to 80. As you are going through Dragonblight, you should be arriving at Venomspite. That is located in the far east of DragonBlight, on a hill. This part is necessary, as you can only get some more quests at level 78 on another location. You can't see the quests, but there should be some NPC that is giving a lot of quests. There should be around 10 to 12 quests you can accept.


When you are level 77, you should move up north, to K3 in Storm Peaks. When you get there, you should be able to accept a lot of quests. If you have completed most of the quests in K3, you should be level 79 and just shy of 80 You can travel to the Argent Vanguard location and finish the leveling. Congratulations, you made it to level 80 in one piece. Go get your Rare Gear from Dalaran and go for your Dungeon adventures and raids with a few friends!


==== Important Notes ====

1. Please get back to a train and train all your skills (Best: Dalaran)

2. Don't forget to get the flight path from Venomspite, K3 and Sunreavers Command

3. You should be able to go to K3 via Dalaran if you cannot fly yet. The flight path should be open for you...



This will be a leveling guide as I level all of my characters. I love leveling this way and I think it's the fastest way I can level my characters. There might be some faster ways, but this is my personal opinion.


=== Level 1 - 11 ===

This will be achieved by completing the quests within your starting area and moving towards your local Main City. There are ample quests and methods to finishing this lightning-fast part of your leveling. Make sure to have the full heirloom set from both the Glowing Soul and General Goods vendors!


Levels 11-20
Sentinel Hill, Westfall. You can quest there, picking up quests such as Poor Old Blanchy, The Forgotten Heirloom , The Killing Fields, and Patrolling West-fall. Until level 15~17 and then go to Lake-shire, Redridge. Redridge has a lot of quests and usually gets me up to 20 or so. Favorite and Easy Redridge Quests: Red-ridge Goulash, The Everstill Bridge, The Lost Tools and Underbelly Scales.
Equivalent Dungeon: Stockades or Deadmines at 15.


Levels 21-30
There is a quest in Redridge you should take that will take you to Darkshire, Duskwood named "Messenger to Darkshire" that will give you a decent amount of exp. You don't have to accept the quest to return to Redridge. The purpose was just to give you XP for flying. Once in Darkshire, take the quests like "Deliveries to Sven", "Seasoned Wolf Kabobs", and "The Nightwatch". Getting to level 30 should be easy with the abundance of quests.
Equivalent Dungeon: Gnomeregan


Levels 31-40
At level 30, head to Stranglethorn Vale. There won't be many quests you can accept right away, Get all the quest you can. In the north, there is the Nesingwary Expedition camp. These are all easy mob quest. Continue getting every quest you come across, and really you should be level 49-50 soon. It can get a bit slow though.
Equivalent Dungeon: Scarlet Monastery


Levels 41-50
You can continue in SV questing and grinding, or Head to Aerie Peak, Hinterlands or Nethergarde Keep, Blasted Lands. Sometimes, the quests in Blasted Lands make things seem a lot more boring, so stay focused. Right now is the time when things start to get a bit slow and boring, so my suggestion is to just try and do a little bit at a time, until 50.
Equivalent Dungeon: Zul Farrak


Levels 51-60
I say Gadgetzan, Tanaris is the way to go at level 50, you head to the east to the port over there for more quest as well... It's easy to gain a quick 5 levels here before heading east to Un'Goro Crater. Just quest until around 55-56. It shouldn't take long. at 55, head to Marshals Refuge in the northernmost part of Un'goro Crater. Get all the quest here and keep going at it until 60. At 60, hearth to the main city and you can use the Dalaran portals to port to Shattrath City and take the flyer to Honor Hold.
Equivalent Dungeon: Stratholme, Scholomance


Levels 61-70
Quest in Honor Hold until close to level 64, taking quests like An Old Gift, Path of Glory, Fel Orc Scavengers, Waste Not Want Not, Path of Anguish, and the like. Once the quests are gray or there are none, go a bit north and do the quest Disrupt Their Reinforcements Then, go and quest at Cenarion Refuge, Zangarmarsh This should take you to level 66ish. (I told you things would pick up again.) Now, go to Telaar, Nagrand and do the quests there. Most specifically the quest "Obsidian Warbeads" to get you rep with Kurenai and also level at the same time. Now you should be around 67-68 for this. In Nagrand, go to The Laughing Skulls Ruins in the very north. Here you can get the quest chain "The Ring of Blood" given by a goblin named Gurgthock. There are 6 quests all right there, it requires no work and gives you TONS of exp. 
Equivalent Dungeon: Hellfire Ramparts


Levels 71-77
Hearth, or fly to a major city and use the Eternal Gateway to teleport to Dalaran Mall. Head east to Valiance Keep, Borean Tundra this is where to go at around 70+. Get ALL of the quests here. They are all rather easy and you should hit 75 in no time. Now, at 75 I recommend continuing going around Borean Tundra getting every quest you see until 76. At 76 fly/walk north to Nessingway Basecamp, Sholazar Basin. Do the grind quest for fast XP, hitting 78 will be a piece of cake. It wouldn't let me buy "Cold Weather Flying" until level 78ish on all my character. 


Levels 78-80
There are plenty of places you can head to at this point. What I like to do is head a little north of Dalaran into Icecrown, and go the Argent Vanguard. There are like 5 or 6 really easy quests that give decent XP. Once you get to fly a Proto-Drake and rescue soldiers, its pretty fun. After this you should be pretty close to 80, you can go ahead and head east towards K3 in Stormpeaks. Just finish off questing here till 80... You will get some gold and fast XP. You should be able to hit 80 pretty fast with these two places.

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